Tuesday, November 18, 2008

IMPORTANT mid-day legislative update, Contact the Legislators ASAP!

(Consider this a personally posted action alert of sorts. Please forward freely with contact information attached.)

Lots of VERY IMPORTANT, and very bad things are happening to Nebraska’s legalized Child Abandonment law right now. See Amendments 10 and 11 below in particular.

This is the Nebraska page on LB 1, and its evolving amendments can be found listed down the right hand side.

I’ve already written about Amendments 1 and 2 on the Nebraska related blog Marley Greiner and I are co-authoring- Children of the Corn

These are new;

AM 4- sets the cut off at 1 year
AM 5- 30 days
AM 6- four months
AM 9- sets an expiration date- June 4, 2009

but the latest amendments are exactly what I suspected were coming;

AM 10
- insert “The person leaving such child may remain anonymous.”

(emphasis added)


AM 11- insert “The hospital shall not require the person leaving such child to provide any medical history of the child or the child’s family. The person leaving such child may voluntarily provide medical history of the child or the child’s family.”

(emphasis added)

These last two amendments will have GRAVE lifelong consequences for Nebraska’s next set of State enabled abandoned kids.

Now is the time to contact Nebraska legislators via phone and e-mail.

When speaking with Legislators ask for what we really want, nothing short of a full repeal of the Nebraska legalized child abandonment law, age it down to Zero point Zero (no kids at all.)

This will require rejecting LB 1 (and ALL of its amendments to date) and LB 3 entirely, and instead introducing an aged to Zero point Zero bill.

A final vote is scheduled for Friday.

Here is the Nebraska Legislators main list (each entry has contact information & phone)


E-mail address for those that have them:

Adams, Greg - gadams@leg.ne.gov
Aguilar, Ray - raguilar@leg.ne.gov
Ashford, Brad - bashford@leg.ne.gov
Avery, Bill - bavery@leg.ne.gov
Burling, Carroll - cburling@leg.ne.gov
Carlson, Tom - tcarlson@leg.ne.gov
Christensen, Mark - mchristensen@leg.ne.gov
Cornett, Abbie - acornett@leg.ne.gov
Dierks, Cap - mdierks@leg.ne.gov
Dubas, Annette - adubas@leg.ne.gov
Engel L. Patrick - lengel@leg.ne.gov
Erdman, Philip - perdman@leg.ne.gov
Fischer, Deb - dfischer@leg.ne.gov
Flood, Mike - mflood@leg.ne.gov
Friend, Mike - mfriend@leg.ne.gov
Fulton, Tony - tfulton@leg.ne.gov
Gay, Tim - tgay@leg.ne.gov
Hansen, Thomas - thansen@leg.ne.gov
Harms, John - jharms@leg.ne.gov
Heidemann, Lavon - lheidemann@leg.ne.gov
Howard, Gwen - ghoward@leg.ne.gov
Hudkins, Carol - chudkins@leg.ne.gov
Janssen, Ray - rjanssen@leg.ne.gov
Johnson, Joel - jjohnson@leg.ne.gov
Karpisek, Russ - rkarpisek@leg.ne.gov
Kopplin, Gail - gkopplin@leg.ne.gov
Kruse, Lowen - lkruse@leg.ne.gov
Langemeier, Chris - clangemeier@leg.ne.gov
Lathrop, Steve - slathrop@leg.ne.gov
Lautenbaugh, Scott - slautenbaugh@leg.ne.gov
Louden, LeRoy - llouden@leg.ne.gov
McDonald, Vickie - vmcdonald@leg.ne.gov
McGill, Amanda - amcgill@leg.ne.gov
Nantkes, Danielle - dnantkes@leg.ne.gov
Nelson, John - jnelson@leg.ne.gov
Pahls, Rich - rpahls@leg.ne.gov
Pankonin, Dave - dpankonin@leg.ne.gov
Pedersen, Dwite - dpedersen@leg.ne.gov
Pirsch, Pete - ppirsch@leg.ne.gov
Preister, Don - dpreister@leg.ne.gov
Raikes, Ron - rraikes@leg.ne.gov
Rogert, Kent - krogert@leg.ne.gov
Schimek, DiAnna - dschimek@leg.ne.gov
Stuthman, Arnie - astuthman@leg.ne.gov
Synowiecki,John - jsynowiecki@leg.ne.gov
Wallman,Norman - nwallman@leg.ne.gov
White, Tom - twhite@leg.ne.gov
Wightman, John - jwightman@leg.ne.gov

-Lauren Sabina Kneisly

(Author of Baby Love Child
and co-author of Children of the Corn.)