Thursday, November 20, 2008

Listen to, and be a genuine advocate for the kids, My e-mail to Nebraska Legislators today


Please see these two action alerts on what can still be done about the Nebraska dump law, there is still time to demand nothing short of a full repeal/age it down to Zero!


This is just a quick post, adding a copy of my letter to the Nebraska legislators that was e-mailed out today to the site.

Subject- LB 1, will you submit an alternative bill?

Dear Senator,

I am writing you again to encourage you to support nothing short of full and permanent repeal of Nebraska’s legalized child abandonment law.

In practice, due to the constrains of the special session the most expedient way to effect an end to child dumping in Nebraska would be to age the so called “Safe Haven” law down to Zero point Zero (0.0).

Right now kids need a genuine advocate, a State Senator willing to understand that LB 1 encourages child abandonment and child abandonment is never good for kids. Barring the unforeseen, tomorrow Nebraska legislators will vote for a second round of legalized child abandonment, only this time, the victims of such will be too young to speak out on their own behalf.

As things stand right now, there is no alternative to LB 1 other than leave LB 157 as it currently stands. Kids need a better alternative.

They need a bill aged down to Zero point Zero, a bill that would effectively stop child legalized child abandonment in Nebraska.

They need a State Senator willing to submit a bill that ends legalized child abandonment.

Would you please thoughtfully consider being that advocate?

Nebraska's Attorney General, Jon Bruning, has left the door open Constitutionally for a Zero point Zero bill, as documented in Monday's Legislative Journal:

Therefore, during the First Special Session, the Legislature may lower the maximum age of covered children to whatever age it chooses, or not at all.

(Emphasis added..)

Before you dismiss the idea, listen to the words of Nebraska's first generation of legally dumped kids, their words, and "hysterically begging" their parents not to abandon them are what those 30 days and under might say about the act of legalized child abandonment, if only they could:

“I don’t want anything to happen to kids like it happened to me”

"I'll be good — I'll be good, I promise,"

"Please don't leave me"

All kids, regardless of age, deserve better than this.

Legalized Abandonment laws are no solution, they only create more problems.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Lauren Sabina Kneisly
co-author of Children of the Corn (

[personal contact information removed]

Finally, I should add one other important voice of the directly affected, another voice from Nebraska's first generation of dumped kids. See: Another dump, and the small voice of a dumped boy, “**choose me** I'm so damn lonely.”

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